Eridonia Archives
(UTN/UAS/ATIS) Standardised Starship Fuel
Standardisation of Hydrogen-based Solid-State Fuel pellets took place during the early days of the Old Federation's First Expansion Era. The result is a thousand-year old standard incorporating a multitude of interchangeable usable scenarios surrounding super compressed solid Hydrogen Fuel Pellets, used in essentially every Fusion Reactor-based powerplant technology in known space.

Large space-faring vessels such as military warships or deep-space freighters or liners, require fuel for their internal powerplants. Most starships in Aquarius utilised nuclear fusion-based powerplants such as the Helical-Barycentric Cold Fusion Reactor developed by the Old Federation, and still in widespread use to this day. HBCF Reactors require a fusionable catalyst material, namely provided by solid-state Hydrogen Fuel Mix super-compressed into solid pellets and contained within standardised containment cells. The standard for input of this Fuel was set by the Old Federation and hasn't changed in a thousand cycles. The Containment cell contains a helical, rotary magazine consisting of a series of drums, each with several dozen Hydrogen Pellets. The Cell is inserted into the Fuel Port on HBCF Reactors and each drum is able to rotate into the outlet, feeding the Reactor with Hydrogen Fuel and a Catalyst for the Fusion Reaction as needed. A single standard cell can supply a 50 GW Civilian-grade HBCF reactor with enough Hydrogen Fuel to provide constant output for about a decade (~10 cycles). As such, most large starships (including military warships) carry enough Cells to provide power for their entire expected operating lives.
||Details: (without Dolly)
||Length: 12M
||Width: 3M
||Mass: 1.75 T (empty) up to 2.2T (fully loaded)