Eridonia Archives
(ATIS) Neuro-Link Technology
With the advent of more and more integrated systems with organic components, the human brain became simply another component in the machine; eliminating the need for physical muscle response to act as a link in the chain, paving the way for even more efficient systems operation.
All modern Imperial States' complex systems requiring human co-ordination utilise some form of Neuro-Link Technology to allow the Biomatrix Interface of the purely synthetic eletronic and Bio-electronic components to form a semi-permanent bond with a human brain to streamline human-level input in the response pipeline. This is normally implemented in the form of a physical connection implanted into the base of the human operator's skull, at the rear - Neuron-implants branch out and establish physical pathways to the organic brain, allowing it to interface directly (without the need for muscle intervention, such as interface interaction on a display panel) with the system.
From small Strikecraft and ground vehicles, to the largest Dreadnoughts in the Imperial Navy, essentially all complex units utilise some form of NLT implementation. The captains of the largest warships, the Retribution-class Dreadnoughts, even establishing a permanent and unseverable bond to their ships, becoming 'simul' or "Connected" with them for the rest of their lives.
Long Term NLT connections can result in a degenerative neurological condition known as 'connection sickness' or, officially, Post-Disconnect Depression, whereby the human brain undergoes a series of increasingly severe emotional responses to being unlinked from the system - to the point when captains of larger ships such as Cruisers and Battlecruisers can not remain unlinked from their ships for more than a few hours a day or risk extreme psychological issues that can even lead to suicide. This culiminates in the permanent bond of Dreadnought Captains to their ships, making them, essentially, an extension of the ship's own biomatrix - a position they accept voluntarily in service to the Aquarian Imperial States.