Eridonia Archives
technology database
|| Database of all known Technology.
(ATIS) Neuro-Link Technology
With the advent of more and more integrated systems with organic components, the human brain became simply another component in the machine; eliminating the need for physical muscle response to act as a link in the chain, paving the way for even more efficient systems operation.
(UTN/UAS/ATIS) Nanopolymer Technology
Nanopolymer Technology is the process of 'low-level' molecular and atomic engineering using nano-scale processes to fabricate synthetic materials that cannot occur naturally. Nanopolymers were heavily developed during the New Federal and Imperial Eras. Such technology can produce elements that have extremely high tensile strength to mass ratio impossible to achieve without nano-scale modification of atomic bonds.
(UTN/UAS/ATIS) Macropolymer Technology
Macropolymer Technology involves the fabrication of high-level synthetic composite/polymer materials including advanced plastics and other synthetic elements that do not occur naturally. Macropolymer Technology is'high level' molecular engineering; i.e, these materials can be synthesised without nano-scale engineering (Such as chemical processing or infusion).

(Firearm)(UTN) MX-4 Standard Infantry Platform Weapon
The MX-4 is widely recognised as the defacto standard of the Old Federation's foot soldiers. It was developed in the early 2800s as a replacement to the MX768 Intermediatory Battle Rifle Platform due to advancements in integrated, compact FIMD technologies allowing higher chamber pressures and velocities with significantly smaller munitions delivering the same or greater damage to the target.