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258 items found for "people"

  • people gotta go

    And then some. people are like a cancer. : human unpredictability. human illogic human fallacies human ignorance human stupidity HUMANS FUCK PEOPLE

  • Talking to people... It's got to stop.

    Here's a nice, concise list of reasons why talking to people is bad for Sash: (No particular order) Vector Inability to say 'no' to people asking for things (anything) due to aforementioned 'simping'. when I wasted all my 21st birthday savings on useless computer crap, then gave it all away to simp to people I do not have the spare money to go throwing it at people to try and buy friendship. Oh, and the inability for me to say no to people is worth mentioning.

  • People promoting 9900K/S

    The 9900KS is not meaningfully faster than 3900X in any capacity, and especially not enough to warrant its innate platform, feature and price disparity when compared to the Ryzen part. Promoting often <10% more average FPS as "worth it" over: Significantly Inferior multi-core performance; No included cooler; More expensive, even more so after adequate cooler is purchased; Inferior platform feature set including PCI-e 4.0 and lack of dedicated Storage lanes on the CPU; Inferior performance per watt in almost all tasks; No platform upgrade path; LGA 1200 effectively replaces LGA 1151 next year with no backwards compatibility; Doesn't even win all games, loses in some titles Just because you have infinite money doesn't mean you have to be stupid with it. Don't reward this company with your money, because they sure as bloody hell don't deserve it. #2011-2017NeverForget #Athlon64NeverForget

  • People.

    I do not like people in general. The effect of that mechanism is to keep people aorund me happy. This is because if I am unnoticed, people can't hurt me. Engaging with people online has served to strengthen this even more. I may choose not to interact with people.



  • People. This again?

    A while back I posted a small rant, or a collection of thoughts on what I think of people. repressed social life through years of anxiety and bullying; the more grating I seem to be on other people Regardless, in an ocean of unknown variables there continues to be a single constant: People confuse

  • It's.... It's, uh.....It's people again.

    Shut your mouth, Keyboard Warrior, go get an Irn Bru, chill and let people be people.

  • Sash's Problem with people. (cleaned)

    past; I have mental health issues that directly affect my daily life, and outward demeanour to other people and often misinterpret the true meaning of words typed (rarely spoken as I do not use voice chat) by people emotional outburst during a heated discussion or argument, reversed into Social Anxiety; I do not want people

  • (RP) ATIS Directorship's Address to the Aquarian People (4504 A.D.)

    The people of Aquarius knew little about the enigmatic Directorship; a shadow behind the ATIS Council alien species hell-bent on the complete eradication of the Human Species, it became clear that the people People of Aquarius; people of our National Unity; I address you today as the representative of your Government This address is to both fore-warn and prepare the People of Aquarius about the challenges that lie ahead But you, the people of Aquarius, must do your part.

  • Sash thoughts: Why I love Ukraine and her People.

    Most of my knowledge of this country, its culture and people came from the S.T.A.L.K.E.R games, since I read the news, I follow Social media accounts with information on Ukraine and her people, and their I see a people united, standing strong and fighting for their way of life. Those people under russian occupation suffered yet they endured. I love Ukraine and her People because they have showed the fighting spirit, they have shown humanity

  • Sash in bed. Sash hates everything, especially people

    Furthermore, [redacted] Hide the pain Sash. Bottle it up for another day. Today is not that day, but it's rapidly approaching.

  • Please don't hate Russian people for what is happening in Ukraine.

    I had to make this video because of some things I have seen, regarding hatred of innocent Russians, even Russian historical figures that have contributed great works to human progress, such as authors, be hated because of Putin and his government's choice to invade Ukraine.

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