Eridonia Archives
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255 items found for "people"
- Mini Rant: AIB Partners' GeForce favouritism
little effort to design a truly great product, and just slapped a "good enough" design on to appease the people I'll say from experience, reading online and listening to peoples' opinions, that Sapphire and PowerColor
- Sash Update: GeForce, drivers, CUDA, NVENC... and less than 8GB of video memory.
Now, some people (AMD hardcore fans especially) will accuse me of being fickle (TBF: I am Fickle) and especially going forward with the new console generations, but I am saying it can work for a lot of people
- Mini Tech-Babble #8: Navi 10 succeeds Polaris 10. Sash thoughts on Radeon GPU succession. (UPDATE)
Some people are comparing Navi 14 to Polaris 10 and being disappointed by the relatively minor (~20%)
- Random Warframe Video: Flight of the Jimmie Rustler
Well, I hate people so I'm playing it solo, or with one of my Warframe friends.
- (BPD) The Moment a Freight Train of Emotion hits me at full speed.
am grieving for the fact that I could not spend time with her because.... of my anxiety, caused by people
- (RP) Life under ATIS: Law, Order and Public Feedback
the UCN's genetically 'bred' implantation to detect true intent and remove false positives, whereby people
- An update. (Updated lol)
told exactly what sort of performance I would get with Ray Tracing enabled, on my RTX 2060 Super, by people
- My reply to someone on Disqus.
upgrade path, because they 'need' those 5-10% more average FPS in competitive games at 240 Hz, those people Economics and cost, and unfortunately, this is often lost on people like you.
- Metro Exodus: A playthrough with RT (parts 9-20), concluded and my thoughts on RTX 2060 SUPER.
I will answer it honestly: for most people who want to play games? No. Many people will dislike me, or attack me as they have before, for being OK with 'sub 60' at these resolutions For most people, £400 on a graphics card for sub 60 FPS (even with enhanced visuals) at upscaled (i.e
- Assorted Role Plays: Gate 392.
His final vision was that of the Gate sealing shut, forever locking away the people of Aurcor, and his
- Sash Rant: When is a Tool not a Tool?
When people start learning that there'll be no real, meaningful difference between a Ryzen 5 3600 and A lot of people these days (including major reviewers) are incredibly short-sighted when making recommendations
- Lasted a bit longer this time.
Always depressing, I hate people, I hate politcs, etc, so on and so forth.