Eridonia Archives
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Radeon RX 5700 gets a Hardware Profile!
Eh, Warframe
Sash plays Fallout 4 with mods: My mod list
Nugget has a Kitty Profile
Fallout 4 with mods: I'm starting a new game.
I haven't given up. Yet. I'm playing Modded Fallout 4 and maybe make a video series.
I made a Hardware Profile for Ryzen 7 3700X.
Important Information: When I do a video series...
I post random videos on my YouTube channel. Oh and Wraith Prism ruhguhbuh.
Siege of Centauri: Campaign playthrough and Sash's thoughts, Part 3
Might be a Content Void now.
My new Ryzen and Radeon PC. Feat. Ryzen 7 3700X and Radeon RX 5700.
Sash gets Navi.
I did a thing.
Random Warframe Video: Citadel Vauban Looks So Cool. Also something else.
Random Warframe Videos: I upload a lot of these so I am calling them that. IGNIS!
Low Quality Videos
I actually made a Hardware Profile for once. Here's the GTX 1080 Ti.
Crunchy McCrunchington (World Community Grid)
My YouTube Channel is back in action.