Eridonia Archives
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Mini-Tech Babble #9: Turing Tensor/RT 'cores'. Just how dedicated are they?
Mini Tech-Babble #8: Navi 10 succeeds Polaris 10. Sash thoughts on Radeon GPU succession. (UPDATE)
Tech Babble #7: Intel and High Prices
Mini Tech Babble #6: Navi Tessellation Performance.
Tech Babble #5: Radeon.
Tech Babble #4: Why I think Zen2 still has a 4-core CCX
RTX 20-series. Sash's Thoughts. A mini Tech-Babble.
Tech Babble #3: Low power mobile x86 and credit where it's due (Intel's biggest advantage vs Zen)
Tech Babble #2.1 : Update to Shaders and GCN
Tech babble #2: Shaders and GCN
Tech babble #1: Consoles will enter the Zen Garden