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Sasha W.
Jan 21, 2020
Sash Rant: Some people don't understand Turing's advantages.
Okay, I am a bit triggered, so that means you get a Rant Post! How lucky you are, I mean that one person that reads my blog or randomly...
Sasha W.
Jan 15, 2020
The world benefits from fair competition!
Indeed it does, Mr. Bryant. However, I can't quite help but feel this is a bit rich coming from Intel; and it's also amusing to note, how...
Sasha W.
Jan 13, 2020
(Important Sash-Rant): Please read if you want to target me/my website and/or DDOS it.
I'm sorry that you feel that way, maybe you should consider taking a break from the Internet for a while and learning how to untangle...
Sasha W.
Jan 13, 2020
When peoples' Misinformation spreading goes too far. (Updated With Micro-Rant).
I feel like I don't have to even make a rant post about this one, the screenshot alone speaks volumes. Update: Rather than make a new...
Sasha W.
Jan 10, 2020
Sash Rant: When you get 10 downvotes for reporting an issue you have.
Mini Rant with probably only a paragraph or a few lines. Yeah. I consider myself to be an 'Objective AMD Fanboygirl'. This strikes me as...
Sasha W.
Dec 29, 2019
Sash Rant: When is a Tool not a Tool?
Definitely not when it says things like this. This is a Rant Post. Please Remember to read this before having your jimmies becoming...
Sasha W.
Nov 26, 2019
Sash Mini-Rant: Why Userbench's rating system is dumb.
Please read this first. Oh my god I can sum this little rant up in like, one or maybe two paragraphs. Userbench use a rating system that...
Sasha W.
Nov 2, 2019
Sash Rant: "Slow" cores and single-thread performance.
Something was bugging me since yesterday, when I made the mistake of engaging in the comment-sections of some websites. Not that website,...
Sasha W.
Oct 31, 2019
Sash Rant: "The World's Best Gaming Processor".
Okay, this is a Rant Post. Please read this before getting mad and wanting to kill me. Thanks. I've seen some Core i9-9900KS reviews, and...
Sasha W.
Oct 19, 2019
Sash Rant: Not so Intel-ligent
Okay, forgive the pun title, I thought it was funny. But it's also true in a way. Anyway, this post isn't a proper Tech Babble (yet) but...
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