Eridonia Archives
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(Huh?) I unpublished my Website. Obviously, I published it again.
Do I even have to put the title here? Do I? You know exactly what this is about.
(IIWII) Today is my birthday and almost like a tradition, I'm depressed more than usual.
(Rant/Thought) Friendships: The Critical Threshold
(Meh) Meh, the "me problem"
My Journey
Sash update? I think.
(Sash Thought) 'Radical Acceptance' is an Acceptable Method of Coping with A World Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition
(What?) Wix, what? I didn't want to have to do that, but it came to it. Also - Zeno, please read this.
(IIWII) I know where my journey is going, but I can't change the course.
(Outlet) Emotions hit me hard this morning. Let's channel them into something good.
In all my problems, my issues, my demons, there is one constant.
(BPD) The Moment a Freight Train of Emotion hits me at full speed.
Talking to people... It's got to stop.
Dysphoria - My Biggest Enemy
(The End Is now) Sash End.
Maybe I should go for a Walk. It's a nice Night for a Walk.
Let's make a post when I'm within the spiral of depression.(24/08/2022, #1)