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Eridonia Archives
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Sasha W.
Jun 26, 2021
(RP) Harsh Truths (Circa 4461 A.D)
"If you have something to say, say it." Amiori spoke sternly into the transceiver on the holo-interface before her. "I gave you my word I...
Sasha W.
Jun 19, 2021
(RP) Into the Jaws of Hell... And back out again. (Battle of Corona) (4461 AD) (Part 4A)
A few moments later, the massive bulk of the Category A bulkhead's upper section began to move, retracting slowly upward as the rotary...
Sasha W.
Jun 19, 2021
(RP) ATIS Council Chairman addresses the People of Aquarius during the Civil War Crisis (4461 A.D)
Chairman Vorian Senlas, of the Aquarian Terran Imperial States Council, stepped down from the heavily armed presidential shuttle craft,...
Sasha W.
Jun 18, 2021
(RP) The Way It Needs To Be (Unknown Date)
||DECODING... ||57 68 65 72 65 20 54 68 65 20 42 72 61 6e 63 68 65 73 20 43 6f 6e 76 65 72 67 65 || 4e 65 76 65 72 20 46 6f 72 67 65 74...
Sasha W.
Jun 11, 2021
(RP) Subsystem Technical Update: Standard Classification System (SCS)
//As part of my new plan to integrate more technicalities into the classification of starships and their subsystems in the Eridonia...

Sasha W.
May 31, 2021
(RP) ATISAIN SP2-class Fleet Destroyer
Existing SP-AX 'Sleipnir-type', also known in Imperial service as SP-class, Heavy Destroyers remained a standard unit in the inventory of...
Sasha W.
May 1, 2021
(RP) Into the Jaws of Hell... And back out again. (Battle of Corona) (4461 AD) (Part 3)
"Breaching!" Kasake shouted, glancing round to the rest of Dragon Team; who took crouched in their mechanical suits; which were capable...
Sasha W.
Apr 30, 2021
(RP) Into the Jaws of Hell... And back out again. (Battle of Corona) (4461 AD) (Part 2)
Part 1 "Three-Zero-zero" ... the broadcast was interrupted by static, momentarily replaced by the sound of explosions and shouting over...
Sasha W.
Apr 30, 2021
(RP) Into the Jaws of Hell... And back out again. (Battle of Corona) (4461 AD) (Part 1)
"Captain, we only have one chance. That chance is now: unless we turn away the Imperial Fleet, we will be forced to withdraw. Coron will...

Sasha W.
Apr 29, 2021
(RP Video) Eridonia Free Peoples' Fleet Infonet Recruitment Video - Angel Reach (4462 A.D)
An Infonet Recruitment video Broadcast to the brutally oppressed ATIS-occupied Independent Systems of the Angel Reach in 4462 A.D by the...
Sasha W.
Apr 27, 2021
(RP) The Aquarian Civil War (4461 A.D-onwards) (Part 1)
The storm of Civil War had been brewing in Aquarius for some time already, since the establishment of an authoritarian Imperial...
Sasha W.
Apr 26, 2021
(RP) Look to the Sky. (4449 A.D)
"Look to the sky!" the soldier's voice echoed throughout the entrenchment, as his brothers and sisters in arms raised their gaze into the...

Sasha W.
Apr 23, 2021
(RP) Lorentis Naval Sector LIN-1, Lorentis System, circa ~4453 A.D
The Imperial Navy's newest Retribution/Pattern3 Dreadnought, AINV By Their Sanction (top) in gravimetric anchor, in a few cycles she will...

Sasha W.
Apr 23, 2021
(RP) A(+)-Type IMPAC Artillery Battery (RT-class) to scale.
The primary turreted battery of the ATIS Imperial Aquarian Navy's Retribution Pattern 3 class Dreadnought, to almost exact scale with a...

Sasha W.
Apr 22, 2021
(RP) ATISAIN RE-II (Revenge II) Class Battlecruiser
As of the middle of the 45th century, the Aquarian Imperial Navy's heavy strike capability still relied in the thousand-cycle old...

Sasha W.
Apr 21, 2021
(RP) Ghosts of the Old Federation. Part 4. (4421 AD)
Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. The elevator door sealed shut behind them, father and daughter, as the magneto clamps disengaged and the...

Sasha W.
Apr 19, 2021
(RP) The Varal-Sol Gate Incident (4447 A.D)
Backstory The Aquarian Terran Imperial States had great interest in the remote system of Varal, in the shadow of mighty Angel Nebula...
Sasha W.
Apr 19, 2021
(RP) The Skja'hirr of Earth, the Warrior-descendants of the Tyandirr, and the Shadow Elders.
The female-dominated Shadow Elders of the Tyandirr Imperium Council are descended more directly from the Skja'hir than the...

Sasha W.
Apr 11, 2021
(RP) Harbingers of the UTN FN's 1st Rapid Reaction Fleet, 63rd Artillery Division in cruise
Harbinger-class Artillery Cruisers, Tenacity, Steadfast and Meriwether of the Unified Terran Nations Federal Navy's 1st Rapid Reaction...
Sasha W.
Apr 3, 2021
(RP) A Message from the Past, from the Future... (2832 E.D) (Part 1)
Commander Abiodun's image appeared on the holographic projector, before the Unity Council. The captain stood proudly upon the bridge of...
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