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Eridonia Archives
|| Notice: Content may contain personal viewpoints and potentially adult content. Reader discretion advised.
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Sasha W.
Apr 23, 2020
Important Information: I don't support the Mobile Version of my Website.
Because it sucks for some reason and is slow. So please use a PC (or another non-mobile device, or if you must, use the 'desktop version'...
Sasha W.
Feb 22, 2020
Important Information: YouTube? Really, Sash? Yes.
Okay, so I had a phase of not using YouTube, actually the main reason was because some people were down-voting my videos and I didn't...
Sasha W.
Jan 26, 2020
Very Important: I say Retarded Things. Please don't be offended!
This is a very important update to Important Information and more about this can be found in this post, so please read that first, kthx!...
Sasha W.
Jan 13, 2020
(Important Sash-Rant): Please read if you want to target me/my website and/or DDOS it.
I'm sorry that you feel that way, maybe you should consider taking a break from the Internet for a while and learning how to untangle...
Sasha W.
Nov 4, 2019
Mood instability.
For your information, I have really bad mood swings. In fact, they are really, really bad. It's distressing for me and I sometimes do...
Sasha W.
Oct 29, 2019
Don't be mad if I don't reply. Anywhere.
If you reply to my comments, or message me anywhere, on my website form or Disqus, or email if you have it or Discord (if somehow you get...
Sasha W.
Oct 19, 2019
About Rants (please read before getting mad)
All my posts titled "Sash Rant" are literally exactly that. They are me Ranting. Usually because I'm pissed off about something, and...
Sasha W.
Oct 1, 2019
Important Information: When I do a video series...
Just for your information, I tend to be very sporadic when I do lots of things, including video games. So when I start a video series it...
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