Eridonia Archives
|| Notice: Content may contain personal viewpoints and potentially adult content. Reader discretion advised.
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|| Pinned Articles
(Important Information) I updated the Archives dynamic collections system and some URLs may no longer work.
(Important) Freedom of Russia
Sash's Quick 'n' Easy Guide to Rational Reactions to Sensationalism
Important Notice to Ashley's Aunt and Family.
(Important Information) Important Information about Sash.
(Important) Donate to help Ukraine win the war and rebuild. Do it now.
(//RP) I had "Great Maikors" before Doom Eternal had "Maykor"
(Maik) Maik :3
(Updated) Read if you came here upset by something I said.
(PINNED: Major Update) New Domain and new... Theme.
(Important) Have an issue with Asha or
(IMPORTANT) Please Read Privacy Policy Update and Cookie Policy! (Update 27-04-2021)
(Important): Sash discontinues usage of Discord, again. (18-03-2021)
Notice to Social Media Users.
Your services are no longer required, Discord.
(Important) I tried to make a community and interact with people but that now ends.
Site update: There is now a Forum.
PSA: Talking to Sash privately is not for the faint of heart. Should I talk to Sash? Guide.