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Writer's pictureSasha W.


Men, Women, Women, Men, what is this utter madness? Bullshit, that's what it is. I am not a man, I am not a woman, I am not a woman, I am not a man, I am not a he or a she or a she or a he - I AM SASH.

Anyone referring to me as anything else will [REDACTED].

I wanted to type an opinion piece on this but honestly I think I am more inclined to AGREE WITH HER on a practical level but the EMOTIONAL SASH is ANGRY AND UPSET AND WANTS TO COMMIT SEPPUKU WITH AN RTX 3050 VIDEO CARD.

It's true though. There should be "Women", "Men" and "Trans Men" and "Trans Women". MAYBE THEY SHOULD HAVE THEIR OWN BATHROOMS FOR FUCK'S SAKE.

That said, this is only a temporary solution, Miss Rowling, (though I agree with your sentiment in practical terms) because transhumanism and genetic modification will remove the restrictions of physical biology completely in the near future.

There I typed it.

Now get lost.

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