The CURSE is finally lifted.Sasha W.Mar 28, 2022NOW I AM FREE.To whoever you are, reading my blog,Fuck Off.( ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)
(IIWII) I'm fully aware that no one watches nor cares about my animations. If anyone actually reads my blog, here's a reminder that I animate for myself, not other people.My animations are for me. They bring my universe to life and they do it in a way that only I care about . That's how it always was, is...
(Important Information / Update) I am not posting about current world events. Not because I don't care. But because I cannot control the emotional turmoil that results from thinking about those thingsTitle literally says it all. Also see this And this. I will Never stop supporting Ukraine, neither morally or financially. Just because...
(Sash in bed)I'm in bed typing this on my phone. I don't know why I'm doing this, but I am. I was going to say something about getting up and maybe...