Here it is, Episode 7. Despite starting 3 other animations (they are all progressing well though :D) and putting ROE on the backburner, I finally finished it and I'm pretty happy with it. I already have plans for Episode 8+, the only bottleneck with my animations is my stupid concentration/ADHD focus phases. I.e, medication is essential and it doesn't last all day since animating (and sound design) is a LOT of work, but I love it. Also, my cat is cute.
(Previous Episodes are available in the Animations section (under the 'Ruins of Eridonia' section).
With the Yellow Clan aboard their Tunnel-Rig 'Goliath' having left their former home in the Lower Tiers in the wake of a marauder onslaught; they begin their long journey to the Central Hub; home of the leading Scavenger Clans in hope of resbite. However, the journey will not be easy, and Yellow Clan's youngest and most energetic tank commander, Sebastian Rider, will be tested to his limits.
But fate may be on his side after all...