So you came across my website and blog, or whatever, and decided to contact me because you want to talk to me about something. Tech, or something. Well I am here now, typing this guide to save us both the trouble and determine if you really should be contacting me.
Firstly: I am completely fucking batshit insane. I do not apologise for how fucking batshit insane I am. It's just what I have become. Keep that in mind. Thanks!
Here's some simple ones to get started.
1) Are you easily offended?
Yes: Probably shouldn't talk to Sash.
No: Next question.
2) Does Highly Random Behaviour bother you?
Yes: Probably shouldn't talk to Sash.
No: Next question.
3) Are you prepared to deal with Highly Unstable Mood?
Yes: Next question.
No: Probably shouldn't talk to Sash.
4) Do you want to hurt/kill me?
Yes: Tell these guys first. Then see this.
No: Next question please.
5) Do you think Intel CPUs are the best thing ever, especially for GaMiNg?
Yes: This might help.
No: Feel free to contact me. I may not reply. Please don't be mad. Love you!