This post may not be coherent.
I am writing this post to cope (yes, even if you internet scum find that meme-worthy) with extreme anger and powerlessness that comes from the culmination of a long time affliction of playing the game 'War Thunder'.
I have spent a lot of money in this game, but the sunk-cost fallacy must end, and I must terminate my involvement in this game effective immediately.
Never before in my life have I been so negatively effected by such a broken, unbalanced, blatantly unfair online competitive gaming experience with such a toxic, disgusting, subhuman-by-choice community of entitled, whiny manchildren.
It ends now.
I'm terminating my account with >£500 worth of in-game vehicles and over a year of premium time left, because, with inability to overstate this, I am no longer able to accept self-harming because of the sunk cost fallacy of a single video game.