Eridonia Archives
(Human - UTN) Lukus Vorni
An old Federal Navy Sector General of the FN's 2nd Expeditionary Fleet. Vorni had a long and distinguished career with the old Federal Navy, with half a dozen tours of duty around Aquarius leading up to the UTN's military intervention in Phoenix in 3778 AD (1538 FDS). However, his reputation was forever damaged during Operation Phoenix Falling over Phoenix Prime in 3786; when he ordered an Orbit-to-Surface (OTS) strike on Kosiyurk City, resulting in the deaths of millions of non-combatants. The Old Federal Navy maintains it was sanctioned, however new legislation had since been implemented that questioned the legality of the order.
Regardless of the outcome, Vorni took his own life in a hospital on Eridonia Tier II, 3789 after suffering a mental breakdown.