Eridonia Archives
(Imperial Era) Eridonia Free Peoples' Fleet

An organisation founded and lead by Legendary Captain Ronin Kociero of the Pathfinder. The Eridonia Free Peoples' Fleet fights to restore the values of the Old Federation to Aquarius, vowing to bring down the new authoritarian regime that took its place, ATIS.
The Eridonia Free Peoples' Fleet has its roots in a separatist movement opposing the continued centralisation and ultimate authoritarian attitude of the Federal Government of the United Aquarian Systems during the New Federal Era, between 4299 and 4402 A.D. The organisation was founded by legendary Captain Ronin Kociero, commander of the Pathfinder, and something of a myth to most Aquarians in the current age.
Captain Kociero and the Pathfinder served valiantly during the Radacri Wars, operating with the UTN Federal Navy's Special Operations Fleet. After the Fall of the UTN in 4040 A.D, the Pathfinder vanished along with Captain Kociero and his crew; official records in the Aquarian and Eridonia Archives do not contain any official information concerning the disappearance.
The Pathfinder would return to Aquarius some time during the beginning of the New Federal Era, however Captain Kociero's relations with the new Aquarian Government became somewhat cool after Kociero and his crew became disillusioned with the policy of the new Government; ultimately resulting in the breakdown of communication and the declaration of Ronin Kociero as an Enemy of the State. Returning to the fringes of the Angel Nebula, the Pathfinder and her legendary captain began plotting against the new, oppressive government of Aquarius; the Eridonia Free Peoples' Fleet was born.
Made up of a small, but very well organised and trained flotilla of Aquarian dissolutionist captains and defectors, all united under the common goal of restoring the once proud heritage of the Old Federation; the bastions of Peace, Freedom and Equality to all in Aquarius and beyond. With the formation of the ATIS Council and the transition to the Imperial Era in 4402 A.D, it became clear that Ronin's suspicions had been true all along. The new Aquarian Government had set out to exploit the downfall of the Old Federation in order to establish a new, authoritarian state under the control of a fascist regime.
The Peoples' Fleet rescued over a thousand civilians from a brutal massacre by the UAS Secret Service in the Angel Reach, an act of brutality that Captain Ronin Kociero will never forget. As political unrest surges throughout the cluster, The Eridonia Peoples' Fleet might well grow in numbers as more people stand up to the Imperial Government and fight for the one liberty that the human soul craves: Freedom.
||(4460-4462 AD):
The EFPF gained initial traction in the Aquarian Civil War of 4460 A.D; with the secession of the Corona System from the Imperial States during the Battle of Corona of the year after, in 4461. However, the momentum was short-lived as the rebellion was betrayed internally and the location of the EFPF's hidden base in the Angel Hook Nebula, Old Bastion's Star, was leaked to the Imperial Navy who had previously been unaware of its exact co-ordinates due to the radiological interference of the Angel Hook Nebularic clouds. The resultant offensive staged by the Aquarian Imperial Navy on Bastion, known as Operation Ultima, was a catastrophic defeat for the fledgling rebellion, resulting in the loss of almost all of its combat-capable warships and a huge swathe of the surface colony on Bastion was wiped out.
Though they have fallen on hard times, the leadership of the Eridonia Free Peoples' Fleet maintains that they will continue to fight on, despite what is now essentially impossible odds, to restore Aquarius to how it once was under the Old Federation some four hundred years prior.
Old Bastion's Star remains the EFPF's primary base of operations, as it was left mostly independent from the Imperial States when the Imperial Navy's Operation Ultima Task Groups withdrew, due to certain not-publicly-documented agreements between the Imperial Government and parties within the rebellion. However, due to the precarious position of being under the shadow of the entire Imperial Navy - who know the exact location of the system - it is unlikely to be used for staging further operations.
||(4515 AD):
After the major defeat at Old Bastion's Star, and the successful deployment of the Universal Compliance Network by the Imperial Special Service, the EFPF's numbers dwindled heavily by the turn of the 46th century, with the organisation almost disappearing entirely by Ronin Kociero's death in 4515 A.D.