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|| Animated Videos depicting events in the Archives.

|| Reborn: The Price of Freedom (4495 A.D)

|| A Legend of the Old Federation receives a communication from the very heart of Imperial Aquarius. The 'Lost Shadow' meets with an influential figure to discuss a common future, but at what cost?


|| Episode 1 >>>

|| Episode 2 >>>

|| Episode 3 Pt. 1 >>>

|| Episode 3 Pt. 2 >>>



|| Helia: Routine Patrol (4501 A.D)

|| A routine patrol by the Helian Planetary Defence Forces on the arid mining world of Helia-1, in the Helia System, Angel Reach, becomes more complicated as roaming native tribes become more and more aggressive. The series follows a Tank Commander of the HPDF as they conduct sorties near a mining base on the surface. Ultimately, the 'nomad' attacks may be a veil for something much more sinister.


|| Episode 1 >>>

|| Episode 2 >>>

|| Episode 3 >>>

|| Episode 4 >>>


|| Ruins of Eridonia (4521 A.D)

|| In 4040 A.D, after nearly 30 years of brutal war against an undefeatable alien onslaught, the Old Federation was devastated by a mysterious energy shockwave propagating through Subspace across the Aquarius Cluster. The origin of the blast wave was never ascertained, some believe it was a shockwave from a tear in space itself caused by the Hammer of Aquarius, others that it was an alien Super Weapon used in retaliation against it. What is known, however, is that the myriad worlds of the Old Federation were reduced to irradiated, crumbling ruins. Perhaps the most devastating of all, the former capital world of Eridonia; once the heart of Aquarian Civilisation and the seat of power of the Unified Terran Nations.


Now, the world is little more than a planet-wide ruin, a testament to humanity's fragility among the stars. The descendants of the Aquarian Government, now flying an Imperial Flag under ATIS, comb the ruins searching for clues and relics that might contain information pertaining to the mysterious event, and perhaps the key to wielding its power. But there is more below the Tiered Ruins than first meets the eye...


|| Episode 1 >>>

|| Episode 2 >>>

|| Episode 3 >>>

|| Episode 4 >>>

|| Episode 5 >>>

|| Episode 6 >>>

|| Episode 7 >>>


|| Imperial Navy Sector Patrol (~4520 A.D)

|| Responsible for patrolling the Outer Systems where the UAS Civic Police forces do not operate, the INSP is a specialised branch of the Imperial Navy tasked with such duties. As the 46th century dawned, humanity in Aquarius drifts ever closer to a full-scale war with an existential enemy cross the Crimson Barrier; but there are some loose ends that need tying up first. The Sector Patrol will find itself in the middle of events in the Angel-Crimson Pass as they unfold. What once was tasked with maintaining the peace in the remote systems, becomes a crucial component in the Aquarian Military's response force.


|| Episode 1 >>>


|| The Angel Run, an Unlucky Day (~4510 A.D)

|| On the far edges of the Angel Reach, under the shadow of the mighty Angel Nebula; a series of astronomically close stars lead a passage through on the verge of the impossible to navigate particle fields of the Nebula. The only direct route between the independent systems of Old Bastion's Star in the Angel's Hook, and the Angel Reach, connecting to central Aquarius. Transports running this route make lucrative sums of old ISAR credits moving critical supplies and mineral exports between Bastion and newly annexed Helia, but the rewards come with the gravest risks.

These systems pass directly through what has now become the territory of the remnants of the pre-fall Tigersharks Cartel - defeated by the old UAS military operation in the Reach in 4349, they have since taken to opportunistic raiding from the relative safety of the dense particle fields of the Nebula, where the long-range scanners of Aquarian military warships cannot detect them.

However, recent developments in Aquarius have once again lead to the attention of the Aquarian military being focused on the cartel; but this time the incumbent powers that be have less humanitarian intentions than the final and complete extermination of the long-time problematic Tigersharks, at any cost.


|| Episode 1 >>>


|| Eridonia Transitway (pre 4040 A.D)

|| Take a ride on a service running on the High-Speed Monorail system that linked the thousands of districts of the Old Federation's capital city world, Eridonia


|| Episode 1 (Earthway Residential District 1A -> Archives Plaza Terminus) >>>


|| Supernova (~4512 A.D)

|| A dark shadow looms over humanity in Aquarius; the well-known shadow of a great conflict. Humanity is no stronger to war, but the coming cycles may test the human resolve to its limit. Seeing the impending threat, the enigmatic 'director' of the Aquarian Terran Imperial States' secretive Red Sector Organisation sets in motion a plan to not just survive the conflict, but install humanity as the premiere power in the cluster, once and for all. But sacrifices will have to be made... The Imperial Navy prepares to send an expedition into uncharted space to being a test of a controversial weapon system that has a dark mark on human history in Aquarius. Once, in our arrogance, we unleashed hell upon the cluster. But this time, can we learn from our mistakes?


|| Episode 1 >>>


|| The Journey (~4049 A.D)

||  Only 9 years after the Fall of Eridonia and the subsequent collapse of human civilisation in Aquarius, a survivor puts aside fear and basic instinct to make a dangerous journey across the corpse of the former capital world of the Old Federation in order to find a long lost brother from before the apocalypse.

Embark on a desperate rail journey through abandoned industrial zones and the dead metropolis of the Eridonian ruinworld. The Journey will take you through the heart of the dead capital, from the Industrial metro-valleys of the Earthway District, through the broken, overgrown biodomes of the Eris Nature Reserve to the Centre of the Ruins themselves; the Archives Plaza, and the former seat of the Old Federal Senate.


|| Episode 1 >>>


|| Ruins of Eridonia: Scavengers on the Rails (~4040+ A.D)

|| After the fall of Eridonia, Scavenger groups use and maintain the old, highly durable industrial rail network for their own purposes in the ruins. This is is a series of short, standalone stories following Scavengers as they work the Heavy Rails with relics from the Past.


|| Episode 1 >>>


|| Ghosts of Helia (~4520 A.D)

|| ATIS surface units were deployed to patrol the expansive dunes of the desert world of Helia-1, after the Battle of Helia-1 a few cycles earlier.


|| Series Preview >>>


|| Not Today, Pirate Scum (~4512 A.D)

|| After the Imperial Annexation of the Angel Reach in 4404, there are many 'unpleasant' surprises potentially waiting behind asteroids for the pirates of the Angel Nebula.


|| Short Animation >>>








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